Thursday, October 29, 2009

He never did ...

Something popped into my mind just now - and I must type it out...

I remember Elisabeth Elliot once told a story about her baby Valerie and her husband, Jim Elliot... Mr. Elliot had rocked Valerie to sleep and the 2 were very quiet. Suddenly, Valerie woke up very scared, almost frantic, waving her arms around for her father. Mr. Elliot just put his arms about her to reassure her of his presence and Valerie fell back to sleep.

Touching story, but with an encouraging reminder, as well - Mrs. Elliot said that we are very much like Valerie. We go along in life - everything couldn't go better - and then, something doesn't go according to plans. We lose it or we realize we have no control or we have a great loss, or anything we wonder at why God would let such a thing happen. Where did God go? Why all the pain and fear? Did our Heavenly Father just abandon us?

No, he didn't. In fact, He never did ... He was there, He IS there, and He ALWAYS WILL BE!! And when we call out to Him, our Daddy will never fail to comfort us and hold us in His loving and caring arms.

My first short post! :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cause for celebration!!


And absolutely 1 google and 1 percent ( ;) ) of all the praise goes to my Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ! Without Him, I would not have gotten even 1 question correct!

Now here are the few things that are resolved -
  1. I have 91 credits, which also means I'm officially a senior in college - Whoot number one!!
  2. I don't have to take Principles of Finance or Statistics ever again - which also means I don't have to take any tests during Christmas break - which also means I actually have a chance of going to the NC get-together this Christmas - Whoot number two!!
  3. I don't have to keep calling Bluefield State College or Dsst headquarters to see if they got my scores, yet. Agh - you don't know how much time I wasted on that!! So - Whoot number three!!
There - I'm so happy I don't know how to express my bliss and ecstasy... all I know is - God is good (and the adjective is quite sufficient ;) )!!

TTFN *sighs as she has to go back and study for her Systems Analysis and Design midterm tomorrow*