Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Why do we keep complaining?

This past Sunday, our pastor shared an extremely touching and convicting video of a man who can look at life with a smile... even looking at a life - without limbs.

Here were my thoughts after I watched the movie:

Really, how can I go on in life saying, "Oh, I can't do this because I'm not capable,"? Why do I moan when something is too difficult? I've got both hands AND feet and I can't do some of the things Nick did. How many times have I "failed" to do something because I didn't even TRY it?  How many times have I been too proud to step out and do something for others or been just plain too lazy?  

What things could I have done better in my life?

It's only over when you stop.


Monday, January 3, 2011


WARNING: I'm so excited right now, my post is probably not going to make much sense, but if you get the gist of what I'm saying, you'll understand. :D So - please forgive my grammar, spelling, etc.

Guess what, guess what, guess what?!?!?!?  My mom was just talking with my aunt (her sister-in-law) and our cousin... and guess what?!?!?!?  They both accepted Christ as their SAVIOUR!!!! HALLELUJAH!!! :D :D :D (overdose of smileys here).

Annnd... now she's off the phone.  Basically - there's this (what I think is outdated and just plain stupid) system of, children only being able to get into good middle and high schools if the Dad has connections with school faculty.  Ummm... when was the last time people did that?  SO ANNOYING... Anyways - my Mom gave some testimonies on how God has been leading Alice and me through College exams and courses (never imagined God would use my schoolwork to bring children into His family :D ) and how Jesus could do the same for our cousin (named Lili).  Mother then went on to explain the Gospel completely (Jesus' death and resurrection, our confession and repentance of sins, etc.) and my aunt AND cousin were willing to accept!!!  Albeit, my aunt was somewhat doing it out a rather worldly motive (so her daughter can go to good schools), I mean, how many people do you know accepted Christ just because they didn't want to go to hell?  SO - this is a HUGE beginning!!!  Please pray that they can find a solidly-Bible-founded church that isn't controlled by the government and that we would also be able to help them in their walk with Christ.

Ok, I gotta go practice piano... I don't think I'll be able to concentrate :P  Thanks for reading my rambling... :D


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Piano, Chocolate, and Snow pictures

Well - here's the video I said I would post with me practicing piano:

I did not even try to "perform." I played as though the camera were not there... so the wrong notes... er, yeah :P .

For Christmas... we got chocolate from Arizona friends whose Dad had just come back from Switzerland.  The chocolate just tastes Switzerland-ish... very rich with a unique flavor.  And the raisins surprisingly add a nice touch!  And most certainly - they wrap their chocolate more vivdly than Ghirardelli or Lindt. Here are some pictures:

(Sorry that a lot of pictures are not rotated... I uploaded without checking)

AND SNOW PICTURES from December 26th... the last snow of 2010.

Alice said that these birds might be migrating.  Rather late if ya ask me...

Yep - that's me with my flapping hood :P ...

Isn't this house just beautiful?!?!  There are no children to step around in the yard :( ...

Me sitting on the huge snowman part that Jane and I were working on.

The backyard early morning of the 27th...
Well... hope you enjoyed that... I should get back to my family :D
